Search results: 2161
2nd Sem22-2<span class="highlight">3</span> RT 1B The Contemporary World 2nd Sem22-2<span class="highlight">3</span> RT 1B The Contemporary World
RT First Year
The Contemporary World
CHEM 11 D00<span class="highlight">3</span> CHEM 11 D00<span class="highlight">3</span> Inorganic and Organic Chemistry -
MLS First Year
This course is a rational comprehensive study of inorganic and organic compounds correlating the concepts of molecular organizations with their chemical behaviour. This includes a comparative study of different classes of organic compounds, their type of formulas, nomenclature and occurrence, together with the structural effects on their physical and chemical properties, synthesis reactions, sources and application/uses of common organic compounds are also taken.
Comp11A [BSPH<span class="highlight">3</span>B 1st Sem. SY 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] Comp11A [BSPH<span class="highlight">3</span>B 1st Sem. SY 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] Health Information System for Public Health
PH Third Year
Health Information System for Public Health
D1<span class="highlight">3</span><span class="highlight">3</span> BSMLS 4D Course Audit 1 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] D1<span class="highlight">3</span><span class="highlight">3</span> BSMLS 4D Course Audit 1 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] Medical Technology Assessment Program 1
MLS Fourth Year
Medical Technology Assessment Program 1