Search results: 2130
E<span class="highlight">3</span>5<span class="highlight">3</span>-EDU 41 BTLED-HE4A1(1st Sem 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>) E<span class="highlight">3</span>5<span class="highlight">3</span>-EDU 41 BTLED-HE4A1(1st Sem 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>) Field Study 2 (Participation and Teaching Assistantship)
BTLEd Fourth Year
Field Study 2 (Participation and Teaching Assistantship)
E<span class="highlight">3</span>56 - Teaching ICT E<span class="highlight">3</span>56 (TVL Explo 4) : Teaching ICT (Exploratory Course) - BTVTED-ELX-1A
College of Teacher Education
The exploratory approach to information
and communications technology is covered in this course. Students are
introduced to the fundamental ideas, theories, and principles underlying the
various specializations they may choose to pursue in their course. This will
provide an overview of desktop publishing, photo editing, and device
maintenance in particular. The goal of this course is to teach students about
the many components of computers as well as some of the most important ideas in
information and communication technology (ICT), like those concerning networks
and security.