Search results: 2130
D<span class="highlight">3</span>9 ELE11-CDM [1st SEM 24-25] D<span class="highlight">3</span>9 ELE11-Computer (Data Management) BSMLS-1E [1st Sem 24-25]
MLS First Year
This course provides an in-depth exploration of data management for allied health sciences, with a focus on the techniques and tools used to handle, store, analyze, and ensure the quality of data in various organizational contexts. The students will develop a strong foundation in data management concepts and gain hands-on experience using Microsoft Excel, SQL and Google Space such as Google Sheets, Google Forms and Google Drives.
D44 BSMLS 2A GEC 108 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] D44 BSMLS 2A GEC 108 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] Readings in Philippine History
MLS Second Year
Readings in Philippine History
D45 BSMLS 2B Chem 1<span class="highlight">3</span> [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] D45 BSMLS 2B Chem 1<span class="highlight">3</span> [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] Biochemistry for Med.Lab. Science
MLS Second Year
Biochemistry for Med.Lab. Science