Search results: 2130
D24 BSMLS 1d CHEM 11 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] D24 BSMLS 1d CHEM 11 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] Inorganic & Organic Chemistry
MLS First Year
Inorganic & Organic Chemistry
D25 BSMLS 1D NSTP 11 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] D25 BSMLS 1D NSTP 11 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] National Service Training Program 1
National Service Training Program 1
D26 BSMLS 1D CPH 2nd Sem22-2<span class="highlight">3</span> Community & Public Health for MLS
MLS First Year
It deals with the study of the foundations of community health that includes human ecology, demography and epidemiology. It emphasizes the promotion of community, public, and environmental health.