Search results: 2130
D1<span class="highlight">3</span>5 BSMLS 4E Course Audit 1 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] D1<span class="highlight">3</span>5 BSMLS 4E Course Audit 1 [1st Sem. 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] Medical Technology Assessment Program 1
MLS Fourth Year
Medical Technology Assessment Program 1
D1<span class="highlight">3</span>6 MT61 D1<span class="highlight">3</span>6 MT61 HEMATOLOGY 1
MLS Third Year
The course deals with the study of fundamentals of blood as a tissue. It
includes blood cell disorders, special hematology evaluation, quality control
and quality assurance.
D1<span class="highlight">3</span>8 RES 11 BSMLS<span class="highlight">3</span>A Intro to MLS Research
MLS Third Year
This course deals with the study of the general concepts of the research process. It also includes the study of the rudiments in the preparation of a research, including problem identification, literature search, limitations and scope of the study, sampling, and statistical analysis.
D1<span class="highlight">3</span>8 RT60 D1<span class="highlight">3</span>8 RT60 Patient Assessment and & Electrocardiogram
RT Second Year
D138 RT60 Patient Assessment and & Electrocardiogram
D1<span class="highlight">3</span>9 Elective 1<span class="highlight">3</span> D1<span class="highlight">3</span>9 (BSMLS <span class="highlight">3</span>B) Health Economics with Entrepreneurship
MLS Third Year
Health Economics with Entrepreneurship
D14 GEC 10<span class="highlight">3</span> BSMLS1B [1st Sem 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] D14 GEC 10<span class="highlight">3</span> BSMLS1B [1st Sem 2022-2<span class="highlight">3</span>] Science, Technology and Society
MLS First Year
Science, Technology and Society
D141ELECTIVE 1<span class="highlight">3</span> D141 ELECTIVE 1<span class="highlight">3</span> BSRT2B Health Economics and Entrepreneurship
RT Second Year
D141 ELECTIVE 13 BSRT2B Health Economics and Entrepreneurship