Course image D221 PH 68 D221 Clinical Microscopy
PH Fourth Year



•General Guidelines

•1.  Be punctual. Be on time for your classes. Log-in 15 minutes before the scheduled class.
•2.  Choose a good location where there is good internet connectivity and free from noise. Also, have a clean and a non-distracting background.
•3.  Take down notes of important information. However, recording or taking of pictures during online classes is not allowed.
•4.  Give your full, undivided attention to the class.
•5.  Use your complete name as your user name on the online platform you are using. Avoid special characters like Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and the like. Also, for your display photo, make use of the photo that is taken very recently. Photos of anime characters, avatars, cartoon characters, and persons not you are not allowed.

•During live classes
•1.  Turn your camera on during live class sessions, unless your teacher allows you to turn off it off;
•2.  Wear your uniforms when attending your classes:
•c.  Fourth Year – clinical uniform 
•3.  Turn your microphone off upon entering the live class session. Your microphone must also be on mute when it is not your turn to speak;
•4.  Wait to be recognized by the teacher before speaking by using the “raise hand” feature of the Zoom platform being used for the live class session. In case where the platform used does not support this feature, you may type your question in the chat box for the teacher to recognize.
•5.  Before presenting a question in the chat box, make sure that nobody has asked it already and got an answer
•6.  Before you open your mouth to speak, think hard about what you want to say;
•7.  Exchange ideas with your classmates during discussions. Allow your classmates to also share their ideas (avoid dominating the class).
•8.  During discussions, be open minded. Respect the opinions of others even if they are different from yours. Avoid making unnecessary remarks.
•9.  Using humor is acceptable, but choose your words very carefully;
•10.  Use citations to recognize the ideas of others, especially on scholarly resources. Remember, plagiarism is a crime.
•When communicating via chat, email, or text

•1.  Always greet and address your teacher and classmates with respect;
•2.  Use proper language, grammar, and spelling when sending messages. Always proofread your writing before posting, sharing, or submitting announcements, messages, or document.
•3.  Using offensive language is not allowed. Be cautious in using internet slang (e.g., btw, fyi, icymi, etc.); avoid using them as much as possible.
•4.  Avoid the use of caps lock as it signifies yelling. Use optimize standard fonts and emoticons cautiously. Others may misinterpret what you may be relaying in using inappropriate emoticons;
•5.  You are expected to present your ideas properly and direct to the point. Avoid including fillers and off-related topics in your replies.

•Other rules:

•1.  If you need to contact your teacher, you may text or chat him/her first before calling. Ask first the availability of your teacher to accept calls.
•2.  Contact your teacher during government office hours, unless in situations that require his/her immediate attention.
•3.  Forwarding screenshots of the conversation between you and your teacher to any other people without his/her consent is not allowed.

al Microscopy