D220 Seminar D220 Seminar in Public Health
PH Fourth Year
Course Description: The course is designed to provide a framework for students to integrate a variety
of public health topics, issues, and skills into a culminating experience for
the BSPH program.
D218 PH 69 D218 Clinical Chemistry
PH Fourth Year
Clinical Chemistry
Lecture (60%)
¡ Quiz………………………………………………..30%
¡ Exam: (Prelim, Mid Term,Finals)……….50%
¡Class Standing……………………………………………….20%
¡ Attendance - …….5%
¡ Recitation - ……….5%
¡ project………………5%
¡ Assignment………..5%
Total ……………..100%¡Laboratory (40%)
¡Laboratory Exercises…………….40%
¡Practical Exams (oral/written) ….20%
¡Project/Specimen…………………20 %
¡Performance…… ………………….20%
¡ Total……………………100%
course outline: