PhD Science Ed

Course image PHDSCIED 313 PhD Science Education SCIED 313 Selected Topics in Inorganic & Organic Chemistry 1stSem-2021-2022
Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Science Education

Selected topics that are not dealt with or are covered only at an elementary level in other inorganic and organic chemistry courses offered by the department. Possible topics in inorganic chemistry may include molecular structure and bonding; organometallic compounds; physical techniques of structure determination; nonaqueous solutions; Zintl phases; transition-metal oxides; free-radical reactions; electron transfer reactions; metal-metal bonding; and bioinorganic chemistry of nucleic acids. Possible topics in organic chemistry may include spectroscopy, physical organic chemistry, photochemistry, organometallic chemistry, mechanisms of oxidations and reductions, modern organic synthesis, reactive intermediates, bioorganic chemistry, and polymers.