Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy

This course is an upper-level undergraduate course fulfilling your final thesis requirement before you graduate. It covers one 2-unit semester of research writing. This course provides the opportunity for you to utilize and integrate knowledge of different perspectives, methodological tools, research skills, and socio-historical information in the chosen discipline in order to produce an academic study demonstrating competency in one specialized aspect and topic in the area of concentration. As a learning device, the course provides an index of the ability for you to conduct research in a specific area and organize and present the results of the research in a systematic way. The thesis does not necessarily require the student to contribute new, unique insights or positions concerning the topic, but to show mastery of existing resources and knowledge in one aspect of the discipline. The final output is a thesis paper.

This course is an upper-level undergraduate course fulfilling your final thesis requirement before you graduate. It covers one 2-unit semester of research writing. This course provides the opportunity for you to utilize and integrate knowledge of different perspectives, methodological tools, research skills, and socio-historical information in the chosen discipline in order to produce an academic study demonstrating competency in one specialized aspect and topic in the area of concentration. As a learning device, the course provides an index of the ability for you to conduct research in a specific area and organize and present the results of the research in a systematic way. The thesis does not necessarily require the student to contribute new, unique insights or positions concerning the topic, but to show mastery of existing resources and knowledge in one aspect of the discipline. The final output is a thesis paper.

This course is an upper-level undergraduate course fulfilling your final thesis requirement before you graduate. It covers one 2-unit semester of research writing. This course provides the opportunity for you to utilize and integrate knowledge of different perspectives, methodological tools, research skills, and socio-historical information in the chosen discipline in order to produce an academic study demonstrating competency in one specialized aspect and topic in the area of concentration. As a learning device, the course provides an index of the ability for you to conduct research in a specific area and organize and present the results of the research in a systematic way. The thesis does not necessarily require the student to contribute new, unique insights or positions concerning the topic, but to show mastery of existing resources and knowledge in one aspect of the discipline. The final output is a thesis paper.